I'm a multidisciplinary technologist with a background in Computer Science, Design, and Marketing. More about me.

Teaching Experience

  • Assistant instructor to Professor Joshua Clayton, I delivered lectures to over 100 undergraduate students each semester. My responsibilities includes leading workshop sessions, grading exams, developing homework questions and conducting weekly office hours. The course covers a range of topics, including Python basics, control structures, loops, file I/O, dictionaries, and object-oriented programming (OOP).

  • I was a teaching assistant for a combined undergraduate and graduate section of Human-Computer Interaction at NYU Tandon, under Professor Ray Lutzky. My responsibilities included addressing student inquiries and evaluating assignments. The course covered various topics, such as affordances, personas, usability testing, service design, and prototyping.

  • Only tutor for 30 Drawing on the Web students. In this class, students explore ways in which markup language, style language, and programming language can be applied to generate interactive, web-based graphics. I conducted weekly 5-hour tutoring sessions, assisting students with topics such as SVG animation, JavaScript, Web APIs, HTML Canvas, and WebGL.

  • I was a tutor for six sections of the Introduction to Web Design class. Over the course of the semester, I provided assistance to more than 110 students per semester, guiding them in mastering HTML/CSS basics, raster/vector graphics, responsive design, and JavaScript. I also worked as a grader for CSCI-UA 4 during the Spring 2021 (Professor Joshua Clayton) and Spring 2023 (Professor Julie Lizardo) semesters.

  • I was a private one-on-one tutor ftr eight college students in Math (Algebra and Calculus), Programming (Python), and Music Theory. I conducted weekly one-hour tutoring sessions for each student and crafted customized lesson plans to enhance their comprehension of the respective subjects.




Full website is coming soon.

